The no-bullshit & no-holds-barred advice

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'Fitness' to me is a misnomer and often a misunderstood idea. Fitness is not about looking good or having six-pack abs. To me its is more holistic encompassing fitness of the body, fitness of the mind and fitness of your environment.
Every now and then I'll hit you with some thought-provoking shit by way of my blog articles for you to deliberate on and even make them a part of the minutiae of your daily life on this planet. Maybe reflect. Maybe implement or maybe just enjoy reading them over a cuppa, so that you can stay mentally and physically fit.
Now, if you find these articles interesting, moving or valuable in some way and have a friend or family member who would gain a lot from them, please don't hesitate in sharing with them. And I am sure if you like the content you will share.

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The no-bullshit no-holds-barred exclusive content
But before you start wondering "What the hell am I doing here?" and get all cynical just hear me out.
The entire world out there is filled with pretentious assholes with super-flowery pitches to sell you stuff that's not worth it. Trust me, I have been there and done that. I don't wish to sound pretentious like them 'coz that's just not me, and that's not how my folks raised me.
So, here's how this stuff works. I do the tough part i.e. I either write some cool exclusive stuff for you, or give you some advice (that doesn't suck!) on your health. And you do the simple part - you pay, read and follow. Easy-peasy, right?
Yes trust me. It is easy. At times, when I wish to dig-deeper into a topic or a niche, I write something exclusive only. On other times, I advice and support you in achieving your health-related goals. But, I hate to say it, this stuff ain't free.
You can too benefit from this extra content. All it takes, would be to be come a paid member. Remember, you wont benefit till you invest in yourself!